The Internet of Money
If the two books mentioned above help us to understand the historical context in which Bitcoin first appeared, then this book expands on the 'why' with infectious enthusiasm. Andreas Antonopoulos is perhaps the most respected voice in the crypto space. He's been traveling the world as a Bitcoin evangelist since 2010 and this book is a summary of talks he gave Unernet on the circuit between 2013 and 2016, all tightened up for publication. His first book, Mastering Bitcoin, is a technical deep-dive into the technology, aimed more specifically at developers, engineers, and software and systems architects. But this book uses some choice metaphors to explain why you can't ban Bitcoin or turn it off, how the scaling debate doesn't really matter and why Bitcoin needs the help of designers to lock in mass adoption. "When you first ride your brand new xeeeno automobile in a city," he writes, "you are riding on roads used by horses with infrastructures des